Suheir Hammad
American-palestinian poet, author, performer, and political activist, born in Jordan.
Her parents fled from the Palestinian village Lydda (today; Israeli Lyd) under the Nakba in 1948,
first to the Gaza Strip, then to Jordan. In 1978, when Suheir was five years old, the family immigrated to Brooklyn, New York City.
Hammad weaves the different identities
– being a refugee, a Palestinian, a woman –
into her work, and creates common narratives of oppression,
and, not to forget, narratives of strength and struggle against
the political insanity of this World.
may i take your order?
I’m the main dish
walkin down the street
my face a menu
of first world delicacies
olive skin almond eyes bitter tongue
& my ears burnin w/comments days beyond
rude crude & lewd
men suck my titties in
eyes poppin out big business heads
lickin their lips against
my thighs like i was some
cafe au lait ice cream
i must look spicy & exotic
cause he is wondering if i sell
my curry pussy
or lend it free
& if i’m as finger lickin good
as the liver his mama used to
stew fry bake
for her little anemic boy
yeah i’m the
white boy’s spam
to be processed diluted canned
so his tender digestion can
take itbut i give it a
south of the border tang
w/jalapeno hips & guacamole looks
he stir fries me w/
questions like
where you from
i mean originally
yeah there’s no hidin i’m original recipe
from the region of
figs lentils pomegranates
but he wants to know
can he lick soy sauce
off my body
would i dance my
belly for him
shimmy and shake for his shiny penny
would i suck chocolate offa his
macdaddy macadamia nuts
can he soak me
in falafel oil
& drain milk & honey outta me
my brown eyes remind him
of the expensive chocolates he
used to steal from his mama’s purse
except mine refuse to melt
heg ets up real close
& whishes he had a dick
for every hole in my body
white boy
& just pray for one
broken and beirut
no mistakes made here
these murders are precise
these people blown apart burned alive
flesh and blood all mixed together
a sight no human being can take
and yet we take and take
desensitized to the sacred defamed
witness youth strap 40 lbs of
dynamite to sore bodies cause
we always return to what we know
and that’s war
we retuen over and over to it
sit at its feet to
remove stone shoes bones and blues
don’t know what to do with visions
of blown up babies so we
lamé nails and lame tongues
which should protest
love those who cannot
love us hate ourselves and become
obsessed with puzzles
shifting through rubble we ask
where is the head that goes with this 7-year-old shoulder
shattered this leg looks like it fits with this hip
this dead with that dead cause they wear twin rings
on bloated purple hands
tired of talking fear and calling it life
being strong and getting
over shit to prepare for more shit
(when my heart was broken i turned to the only dynamic i knew
more hurtful my father)
we return to what we know
it’s 1996 and beirut all over again
this time the murdered are those who survived the last time
and this time’s survivors are preparing for the next time
when fire will rain down on heads bowed in prayer
i want to go home
not only to mama and baba
i want to go home to before me and
pain bombs and war before
loveless sex poetry and chocolate
i want to remember what i’ve never lived
a home within me within us
where honey is offered from my belly
to sweeten babies’ breath make boys moral
and girls strong
want to return to the belly of my honey
and feed myself earth
before 1996 1982 ’73 and ’48
before tv race marriage and meat
return to what we’ve forgotten
what hunger has faked
return to the whiteness of black
to the drum the hum the sum of my parts
to god the boiling in my belly
touch it taste name it and
come back to here
come back and make no mistake
be precise get back to work
shifting through the rubble mathematically
building a new day
with offerings of honey and memory
never forgetting
where we come from
where we’ve been
and how sweet honey
on the lips of survivors
urban warrior i think we’re
too used to bottled water and soft ass wipes
street soldier not gettin taxis and little white ladies
claspin purses aint all it’s about
in my father’s city
there’s a baby girl
whose beautiful brown eye
(centuries ago inspired poetry)
was eaten by a fat zionist rat
140 miles of 850,000 souls gaza
stripped of humanity
the most people in the tiniest place anywhere
tired people with no place everywhere
open sewers carry the sweat of occupation into
the swollen bellies of babies
refugee camps that make you long for
the projects these kids grow up bad angry murderous
justified camps are burstin witrh pictures of
murdered children of fire swimmin
in the tears of a nation this ain’t no
boy scout trip this is the real deal hell
on earth what it’s about
little boys get arrested for thinkin
rocks at armed mercenaries little boys
get their tender flesh singed with burnin
cigarettes their heads smothered in piss soaked hoods
fingers cut off as though they were medallions teeth
broken as though they were powder
pen tubes inserted into penises of little boys
til they confess they were born phalestini
confess they were born free
did i turn your stomach?
least i didn’t turn your insides to confetti
with a u.s. made machete up your pussy
rape you with my macine gun down your throat
gun point your father to molest
you in front of my army prostitute your essence
til you confess you were born phalestinian
confess you would die the way
you were born free
closed universities and open prisons
curfews and house demolitions
the israeli flag is red white and blue too
this red drips from billy clubs and soldiers boots
this red soaks the faces of mourning mothers
losin more sons to the american tax dollars
corner chaplain slow down
your bible and quran talk for a second
the land jesus was born in is bein crucified
the land of milk and honey is drownin in blood
the devil is alive overseas alive and kickin
the hell outta palestine
conscious comrade
there’s a place uglier than your uptown’s slum
where the people are just as beautiful
strugglin sister
there’s a debkebeat funky as p.e.’s riff
signalin revolution liberation and freedom
so when we’re vibin on the pale
evil of welfare and crack know i’m
across the street and across the sea so when
we’re combatin cops and prisons know there are prisons
like ansar iii nazis wouldn’t touch pigs wouldn’t visit
so when we read baraka and listen to malcolm
let’s read darwish and keep on
listenin to malcolm
so when you call me sista
ask after our family
this shit is about more
than the newest gear and
the biggest booty
it’s bigger than
our hoods and our heads
it aint all about this poem
and it aint all about
and little white women
break (clustered)
all holy history banned
unwritten books predicted the past
projected future but my head
unwraps around what appears
limitless man’s creative violence
whose son will it be
which male child will perish
a new day
our boys’ death galvanize
we cherish corpses
we mourn women complicated
bitches get beat daily
profits made
prophets ignored
worn tooth enamel slated lemon childhoods
all colors run
none of us solid
don’t look for shadow
behind me i carry it within
i live cycles of light and darkness
rythm is half silence
i see now
i never was one
and not the other
sickness health tender violence
i think now i never was
pure before form
i was storm blind
ignorant still am
humanity contracted itself
blind malignant i
never was pure
girls spoiled before ripened
language can’t math me
i experience exponentially
everything is
one woman loses 15 maybe 20 members of her family
one woman looses 6
one woman loses her head
one woman searches the rubble
one woman feeds on trash
one woman shoots her face
one woman shoots her husband
one woman straps herself
one woman gives birth to a baby
one woman gives birth to borders
one woman no longer believes love will ever
find her
one woman never did
where do refugee hearts go
broken dissed placed
where they’re not from
don’t want to be
missed faced with absence
we mourn each one
or we mean nothing at all
my spine curves spiral
precipice running and running
from human beings
cluster bombs left behind
de-facto land mines
a smoldering grief
harvest contaminated tobacco
harvest bombs
harvest baby teeth
harvest palms
harvest witness
do not fear what has blown up
if you must fear
the un-exploded
his approach
to love he said
was that of a farmer
most love like
hunters and like
hunters most kill
what they desire
he tills
soil through toes
nose in the wet
earth he waits
pray to the gods
and slowly harvest
love poem
it is late raining tonight
the only safe space i know
is the air still warm right after
a kiss the place where lips almost meet
breath lives electric
need is past now i hunger
not in heat but searching
for more than a pyre to sun me and my body
is straining against sleep
i want to be open and hide
the children of palestine within me
head first i would bear down
bring them into me
an act of desperat love
the israeli army shoots children in the head
i would shelter them where
it is warm where limbs meet
where life is where babies
come from horizon dawning
prey these children
grow up fall in love
make love everywhere always
be human be alive
it is said sex is
in the head where god is
where too ancestry where
vision and memory
and the ability to hear angels
place palestine’s
children in this sacred
air between kisses breathe them in
love them safe until
the israeli army stops
shooting children in the head
What I Will
I will not
dance to your war
drum. I will
not lend my soul nor
my bones to your war
drum. I will
not dance to your
beating. I know that beat.
It is lifeless. I know
intimately that skin
you are hitting. It
was alive once
hunted stolen
stretched. I will
not dance to your drummed
up war. I will not pop
spin beak for you. I
will not hate for you or
even hate you. I will
not kill for you. Especially
I will not die
for you. I will not mourn
the dead with murder nor
suicide. I will not side
with you nor dance to bombs
because everyone else is
dancing. Everyone can be
wrong. Life is a right not
collateral or casual. I
will not forget where
I come from. I
will craft my own drum. Gather my beloved
near and our chanting
will be dancing. Our
humming will be drumming. I
will not be played. I
will not lend my name
nor my rhythm to your
beat. I will dance
and resist and dance and
persist and dance. This heartbeat is louder than
death. Your war drum ain't
louder than this breath.
Blood stiched time
our kafiyes out of fashion
the stories stiched into them
unraveling round our necks
and now
we’ve achieved nobel
world peace and nobel and worthy cause
we’ve thanked youd thank youd thank youd
those who’ve denied our humanity eternally
and warmed our bitten hands with
those of our murderers
an eye for an eye
and with our eyes
long since bomed out
are swallowed as olive pits
the whole world is blind
we screamed our
throats shredded to pieces of meat
thrown to hugry wolves in violent heat
i am the mother
no longer willing to sacrifice sons
to wars of men and
gods of war i
mother refuse to lose
more daughters to sons gone crazy
watching kids get bombed and blown
into bits of brain and bone
i am the father
lost his daughters to refugee insanity
the daughter of landless orphans
child of impotent dreams
and now
kissers of earth lovers of night
people of god victims of survival
we understand
stand under the strain of false peace jammed up hopes
we speak with dried olive branches
caught in chests
we call back to the phalasteen
of folk songs and village dances
the phalasteenof martyrs and their mothers
the phalasteenbulldozed over in beirut
whose mouth was jammed silent
with food stamps in brooklyn
now that we’ve visited the white house
where is the living room jordan spoke of
who holds the key to our house
who lives in our house
i am the daughter
coughing up the olive branch
the son rebuilding a nation
the father rebuilding himself
i am the mother
stitching our stories into kafiyes
stiched into our land
of tears and blood
with years and love
i stitch the story
into a kafiye
never to unravel